Rahaminov Diamonds’ wins two prestigious JCK 2013 Jewelers’ Choice Awards

March 2013

Rahaminov Diamonds, the award winning design house of handcrafted luxury jewelry collections and purveyor of exquisite loose diamonds announced that it has won two coveted 2013 JCK Jewelers’ Choice Awards, the most prestigious design competition in the jewelry industry.

 Best Necklace Design Over 10,000
Best Necklace Design Over 10,000

Rahaminov’s stunning pear-shape Paraiba design was voted Best Necklace Design Over 10,000. The one-of-a-kind design features a16.48 ct. pear-shape Paraiba, a 0.95 ct. t.w. round Paraiba melee, and 3.1 cts. t.w. round diamond mele. Rahaminov Diamonds’ brushed 18k white gold and black rhodium band with more than 0.75 ct. t.w. HPHT black diamonds won first-place in Men’s Jewellery Over $1,000. This stylish men’s diamond ring design is part of Rahaminov Diamonds’ new 2013 Edge Collection.

First-place in Men's Jewellery Over ,000
First-place in Men’s Jewellery Over $1,000
