Emeraudinne Ethical Jewelry believes in corporate social responsability

October 2011

Nowadays, we increasingly hear about the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR). For CIJ International Jewellery Trends & Colours and Europa Star, this subject is of the utmost importance.


We therefore welcome the initiatives of Emeraudinne Ethical Jewelry, a company that from the outset has demonstrated high commitment to the ethical production of emerald jewellery through the entire value-chain.

As part of its strategic plan, Emeraudinne Ethical Jewelry shares part of its profits with social projects in the mining area of Colombia. These projects aim at promoting decent working conditions and, in particular, generating opportunities for single mothers to obtain education and proper training, which will empower them to improve the overall quality of their families.


About Emeraudinne

Created by Fabio Ramirez, Emeraudinne is a business producing high-quality jewellery that perfectly combines the emeraldine with craft elements that are naturally extracted.

Fabio Ramirez

Fabio Ramirez believes in the possibility of building a world with innovative ideas and in creating jewellery from natural products that provide opportunities to the disadvantaged. He believes in fair trade with the purpose of generating social awareness and marketing jewels that came from the hands of a craftsman who has put his heart in his work and sustains his family.

Emeraudinne is providing through employment better living standards for women heads of households who had only sporadic and degrading work in the mining sector and who were unable to meet their basic needs. By training of 52 single mothers as artisans and developing their creative skills, Emeraudinne has been able to produce high-quality jewellery. In the next five years the aim is to qualify 500 single mothers as Emeraudinne artisans, to train them not only in carving, cutting and brilliance of precious stones but also as business women.

The Strategic Partners of Emeraudinne are:

  • Fe Colombian Gems
  • Help us to help
  • Far Emerald
  • A Cielo Abierto

Helps Us to Help

A legally constituted charity, which implements mechanisms to train people for the workplace, technical assistance, business and production processes. The charity is aimed at people living in the mining sector in Boyacá, Colombia with the purpose of contributing to their quality of life. Emeraudinne has two workshops, the first for emeraldine class stones and the second for emeralds. The workshops are located in the area of Candelaria, in the historic centre of the city of Bogotá. Each workshop has four artisans who develop high-quality products to the high standards of Émeraudinne.

Helps Us to Help will be the subject of another article soon on www.CIJintl.com
