Good jewelry sales for 47 percent

December 2009

Nearly half of the retail jewelers who responded to National Jeweler’s first “Holiday Season Weekly Survey” described this past weekend’s sales as either “very good” or at least “good.”

Earrings by Angelique de Paris
Nearly half of the jewelers who responded to National Jeweler’s first weekly holiday sales survey reported “good” or “very good” results.
Earrings by Angelique de Paris Earrings by Angelique de Paris
Non-bridal diamond sales were one of the top sellers over Black Friday weekend, with 34 percent of survey-takers reporting good sales. Bridal sales were a mixed bag: Strong for 31 percent of respondents, but poor for another 34 percent.
Earrings by Angelique de Paris Earrings by Angelique de Paris
High gold prices likely hurt this category’s sales, with 48 percent of jewelers reporting sales were poor. Sterling silver sales were the best category in the survey, with 40 percent of those surveyed reporting sales were good.

Holiday traffic up, price points down for jewelers

Braced for skimpy sales and slow traffic, jewelers who spoke to National Jeweler on Monday said they were happily surprised with Black Friday business, but that spending-wary shoppers were looking for bargains.

NRF: Black Friday shoppers up, spending down

As sales results for Black Friday weekend firm up, the National Retail Federation has confirmed what was expected: More holiday shoppers spent less this year.

Cyber Monday shoppers up, shift spending patterns

Nearly 97 million Americans planned to shop on Cyber Monday yesterday—the official kickoff to the online holiday shopping season—and retailers were ready to deliver to bargain hunters, according to a survey conducted by Big Research.

Gifts that give back

For customers who know they want to purchase jewelry but aren’t quite sure what type of pieces to gift to their loved ones, one area that sales associates can point them to is cause-related jewelry.

Source : nationaljewelernetwork