The inhorgenta award honours innovations from all segments

February 2011

Inhorgenta is an important international industry get-together, and one of its goals is to pay tribute to the most innovative concepts of the year.


Whether jewellery, watches, gemstones, or lifestyle, the inhorgenta award honours exceptional products and their creators. For the first time, at the upcoming inhorgenta 2011, the awards for jewellery design, silver objects, and platinum jewellery, as well as the innovation award will be bundled into one major award, presented in nine different categories; each award goes to the most innovative product or its designer in its category.


Industry innovations - The goal of the award is to honour products distinguished by their innovative character, as well as to pay tribute to extraordinary personalities who support and further the industry. Awards will be presented in the following categories: Carat, Contemporary Design, Lifestyle Brands, Selection, Timepieces, Tableware, Technology, Special, and Lifetime Achievement. Among the selection criteria, which apply to each of the categories, are innovation and design, aesthetic quality, functionality, as well as contemporary implementation.


Participants from all segments - Objects from the entire bandwidth of the jewellery and watch industry are eligible to enter the award competition. This includes gemstone jewellery, avant-garde design, branded products, silver objects and silverware, watches, tool shop equipment, pearl jewellery, and more. An international jury will evaluate the entries in each category. Among the experts selected for the jury are journalists, designers, trend consultants, museum curators, and prominent personalities.


inhorgenta awards open to entries from non-exhibitors - Even entries from companies or designers who are not exhibiting at inhorgenta will be accepted for the inhorgenta awards competition. All participants must submit their entries by January 12, 2011 at the latest. After the deadline, the jury will select three finalists from all entries in each category. Following this pre-selection, the finalists will be announced on the inhorgenta website ( Subsequently, the jury will choose the winners of the individual categories from these finalists. The award presentation will be held on February 25, 2011 at inhorgenta 2011. All finalists as well as trade journalists and other exhibitors will be invited to the award ceremony at the Castle Restaurant in Hall B1.


Award as a career stepping stone - For the winners of the inhorgenta award this is not just an honour, but an essential stepping stone for their careers. History has shown that award winners have benefitted from the increased attention the award generated for them, and thus allowed them to promote their creations more effectively. Media and retail are made aware of the award-winning designs and this considerably increases their exposure and popularity. The winners have the opportunity to begin marketing their achievements during inhorgenta, which has the added benefit of improving their position on the market and in public. All winners will also receive comprehensive marketing and communication support leading up to the subsequent inhorgenta 2012.